Web and software solutions for businesses

Palmara Ltd.

Consulting Services

We offer a wide range of services to businesses seeking to improve their software development capabilities. Our consulting services cover topics ranging from UI/HI & design to server architecture and software modernization.

Web Solutions

Innovative internet-based solutions for SMEs and professionals across various industries and sectors. We specialise in designing, developing and implementing web-based services and applications for our clients to help them streamline their business operations and improve their ability to manage their marketing, outsourcing and front-facing operations.

Mobile Solutions

With so many innovative technologies are combined into a single package, we've decided to expand our offerings to iOS and Android platforms with the intention of providing a vast array of solutions to encourage data-driven operations management.

Operations Management

From outsourcing to 3rd party payments integrations, we offer our clients a tailored experience to managing their front facing operations.


If you'd like to know more or have questions about design, research and development or corporate activities, please contact us via email.

Alternatively, write to us at:

12 Constance St
E16 2DQ

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